Senin, 23 April 2012

Gravity. Is that Street art ??

Is this art or vandalism?

Graffiti is writing or drawing with the use of aerosol spray and paints on surfaces that are open to the public eye like walls and pillars. graffiti art is an individual artist's decorative expression of personal creativity on the medium of existing, archaic structures - one person's personal manifestation of original, organic creations that adhere to a specific place in time for an undetermined duration.

Some people consider it as an art that emphasizes dynamic youth but others regard it as a form of vandalism and thus, an illegal act. We have to report all graffiti activity to the police. Many people see graffiti as an intriguing and sophisticated style of painting, but others resent it because some of the drawings are gross and imporer. In addition, graffiti practitioners often disregard people’s properties and owner’s rights. What do you think?


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