Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

this is Me!

Helloooo.. everyone :)
I want to introduce myself.. My name's Kartika Dwi Hapsari but everybody called me Tika .. I live in Sawangan Depok at Depok Jaya Agung Residence, apple street no 7. I have one brother , his name Aditya Mahendra and he got marriage with Siti Zubaedah.. now They have one baby 'Nabil' he's very cute, I love him so much :*

Very Cute Baby :)

ohya my parents worked at Agriculture Department since 1982. . Now I have studied at Islamic University Syariff Hidayatullah Jakarta . I consentrated in Corporate Information System. . I think tecknology very usefull in this era and I want to be Analysist System.. *amin* ..


Ayu Sekarini mengatakan...

adorable nephew, his cheeks cuby .. agile and adorable, I want to pinch: P

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